Why you need to invest in professional photography for your brand

Simply put, because you have to!

Times have changed, and because the internet has made it possible to share so much with so many people, the standards have been raised higher than ever. If you want your brand to be taken seriously, you need to have invested in a brand identity design that’s reflective of your brand’s core values, and that also extends to creating and utilising imagery that’s inline with that identity.

  1. If your brand looks “cheap”; people will perceive your brand to be cheap

Day 56_Collage.jpeg

Which image above tells more of a story? Which is more interesting and captivating? Which looks more professional and intentional? And lastly which image would compel you more to buy this product? The answer, of course, is the image on the left!

*Images are not mine. The image on the right is taken from a beauty blog and therefor not meant to look “professional”, the objective of this post is simply to show you an example of what I mean.

2. It helps to build trust

The ultimate goal in marketing is to make it inviting for people to invest in your brand or product, and they simply won’t do that unless they know what you’re all about (your brand story).

Tip: Always try appeal to your niche instead of a large, undefined group of people.

3. It builds interest and desire

Think about a man drooling over a sexy car commercial, the way the camera glides seamlessly over those, ahem, curves, the way the colour glistens in the light, the sound of that roaring engine… GRR! (Okay, you get my point). The saying goes “a picture says a thousand words”, and there’s so much we can say about your brand in a non-verbal way that would help elevate your brand in terms of brand persona.

4. It increases sales

Alright so you don’t understand much about marketing talk, but understand this: investing in brand photography (whether that’s for your personal brand, or product photography), is a surefire way to increase sales.

The only question left to ask, really, is:

What are you waiting for?

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Karma S.

Brand & Digital Design Consultant


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